MISE 19 - Montreal, Canada
From MiSE
Contents |
Theme and Goals
Models are an important tool in conquering the increasing complexity of modern software systems. Key industries (e.g., automotive and avionics) are strategically directing their development environments towards more extensive use of modeling techniques.
This 2-day workshop aims to understand, through critical analysis, the current and future uses of models in the engineering of software-intensive systems. By fostering exchange of ideas between the MDE and software engineering communities, the MiSE-workshop series has continuously served as an effective forum for discussing modeling techniques from both software and systems engineering perspectives. We also hope to analyze successful applications of modeling techniques in relevant areas such as Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Big and Smart Data, learning machines, and determine how the participants experience can be carried over to other domains. During the workshop, we plan to discuss various industrial challenges and teaching best practices related to modeling.
Workshop activities will focus on analyzing both successful and unsuccessful applications of software modeling techniques to gain insights into challenging modeling problems, including: (1) identifying, describing, and using appropriate abstractions, (2) supporting incremental, iterative, collaborative development through the use of appropriate model composition, transformation and other model manipulation operators, (3) automated analysis of possibly large, possibly incomplete models to determine the presence or absence of desired and undesired properties, and (4) using models to assess risks, enable decision-making in organisations, or to support prognostics of business key performance indicators (KPIs).
The expected program is a mix of research presentations, tool demonstrations, best practices on teaching modeling techniques, and industrial challenges
Topics of interest include:
- Modeling notations and tools
- Metamodeling
- Abstractions and modeling methodologies
- Model-based analysis and synthesis (e.g., generating test cases, configurations)
- Model transformation and composition
- Model evaluation
- Model management
- Extracting models from software artifacts (e.g., system or program understanding)
- Models for learning machines
- Models of big and smart data
- Collaborative modeling (e.g. offline vs online, access control restrictions)
- Modeling cyber-physical systems
- Models at runtime (e.g., for software adaptation)
- Models for what-if? analysis and prognostics of KPIs
- Empirical studies
- Domain-specific (modeling) languages
- Variability management using models
- Model reuse
- Further uses of modeling
Workshop format
The workshop will be highly interactive and focused on the sharing of ideas and on progressing towards a shared vision of research goals. All attendees will also have an opportunity to discuss topics emerging from the collective presentations.
Although the workshop is open to all, prospective participants are invited to submit
- a full research paper (7 pages, including references),
- a short paper (4 pages, including references), or
- a short-talk proposal on tool demonstration, best practices on teaching modeling techniques, or industrial challenges (1-2 pages, including references)
Workshop papers must follow the ICSE 2019 Format and Submission Guideline. Accepted full research papers and short papers will become part of the workshop proceedings, to be made available in the ACM Digital Library. Talk proposals will not become part of the proceedings.
All submissions will be reviewed by members of the program committee and the organizing committee for quality and relevance. In addition, full research papers and short papers will be reviewed for novelty.
Please submit your abstract and paper or proposal via our EasyChair submission site. Abstracts are due by 6 February 2019 (AoE). Papers are due by the updated deadline of 8 February 2019 (AoE). Short-talk proposals are due by 22 March 2019 (AoE). Submissions do not need to be double-blinded.
The proceedings are available from the ACM Digital Library. As a convenient entry point for accessing the papers, we recommend the corresponding DBLP page.
Sunday, May 26
9:00 - 10:30. Opening Day 1 / Academic Keynote
- Liliana Pasquale: Incidents are meant for learning, not repeating: Sharing Knowledge About Security Incidents in Cyber-Physical Systems [ slides ]
11:00 - 12:30. Paper Session 1: Analysis and Testing
- Takashi Tomita, Daisuke Ishii, Toru Murakami, Shigeki Takeuchi, Toshiaki Aoki: A Scalable Monte-Carlo Test-Case Generation Tool for Large and Complex Simulink Models [ slides ]
- Mitchell Kember, Lynn Tran, George Gao, Nancy Day: Extracting Counterexamples from Transitive-Closure-based Model Checking [ slides ]
- George Yee: Modeling and Reducing the Attack Surface in Software Systems
- Önder Babur, Matthew Stephan: MoCoP: Towards a Model Clone Portal (short paper) [ slides ]
14:00 - 15:30. Paper Session 2: Requirements and Empirical Studies
- Boyue Caroline Hu, Alicia M. Grubb: Support for User Generated Evolutions of Goal Models
- Munima Jahan, Zahra Shakeri Hossein Abad, Behrouz Far: Detecting Emergent Behaviors and Implied Scenarios in Scenario-Based Specifications: A Machine Learning Approach [ slides ]
- Thiago Gottardi, Rosana Braga: Evaluating the Ability of Developers to Use Metamodels in Model-Oriented Development [ slides ]
- Rijul Saini, Shivani Bali, Gunter Mussbacher: Towards Web Collaborative Modelling for the User Requirements Notation Using Eclipse Che and Theia IDE [ slides ]
16:00 - 17:00. Tool Market / Lightning Talks 1
- Alicia M. Grubb: An abridged overview of BloomingLeaf (tool demo)
- Sanaa Alwidian: On the Characterization of Model Families and Union Models (talk) [ poster abstract ]
- Thomas Schweizer, Michalis Famelis: Finding Quality Tradeoffs in Revision Histories (talk) [ slides ]
- Arthur Strasser: Model Driven Generation of an Overall Scheduling in Component Based Development (talk) [ poster abstract ]
- Hyacinth Ali: Framework for multi-language reuse (talk) [ slides ]
- Shahar Maoz: SYNTECH: Synthesis technologies for reactive systems software engineering (talk+demo)
18:00. MiSE workshop dinner
Monday, May 27
9:00 - 10:30. Opening Day 2 / Industrial Keynote
- Krzysztof Czarnecki: Scenario-Based Specification, Testing and Training of Automated Driving Systems
11:00 - 12:30. Paper Session 3: Foundations
- Loli Burgueño, Robert Clarisó, Jordi Cabot, Sébastien Gerard, Antonio Vallecillo: Belief Uncertainty in Software Models [ slides ]
- Daniel Devine, Omar Alam: Feature Model for Extensions in Modeling Languages [ slides ]
- Matthias Schöttle, Jörg Kienzle: On the Difficulties of Raising the Level of Abstraction and Facilitating Reuse in Modelling: The Case for Signature Extension [ slides ]
- Hyacinth Ali, Gunter Mussbacher, Jörg Kienzle: Generic Navigation of Model-Based Development Artefacts (short paper) [ slides ]
14:00 - 15:30. Paper Session 4: Application Domains
- Stefan Winzinger, Gudio Wirtz: Model-based Analysis of Serverless Applications [ slides ]
- Dimitris Kolovos, Fady Medhat, Richard Paige, Davide Di Ruscio, Tijs van der Storm, Sebastian Scholze, Athanasios Zolotas: Domain-specific Languages for the Design, Deployment and Manipulation of Heterogeneous Databases (short paper)
- Karim Jahed, Juergen Dingel: Enabling Model-Driven Software Development Tools for the Internet of Things
16:00 - 17:30. Tool Market / Lightning Talks 2 / Discussion / Closing
- Rijul Saini: ModellingBot (talk)
- Mojtaba Bagherzadeh: Execution and Debugging of Partial Models in the Context of Model-Driven Development (talk)
- Sahar Kokaly: MMINT-A: a tool for assurance case change impact analysis (talk + demo) [ slides ]
- Gouri Deshpande: SRe Yentra: Requirement Inter-dependencies Elicitation, Management and Optimization (talk)
We're excited to announce two world class keynote speakers: On Sunday, May 26, Liliana Pasquale from University College Dublin and Lero - the Irish Software Research Centre will give an academic keynote on security incidents in cyber-physical sytems. On Monday, Mary 27, Krzysztof Czarnecki will give an industrial keynote on the modeling of road user behavior for automated driving.
Keynote by Liliana Pasquale
Incidents are meant for learning, not repeating: Sharing Knowledge About Security Incidents in Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are part of most critical infrastructures such as industrial automation and transportation systems. Thus, security incidents targeting CPSs can have disruptive consequences to assets and people. As prior incidents tend to re-occur, sharing knowledge about these incidents can help organizations being more prepared to prevent, mitigate or investigate future incidents. In this talk I will present a novel approach to enable representation and sharing of knowledge about security incidents in cyber-physical systems. To capture characteristics of security incidents that can manifest again, such as incident activities or vulnerabilities exploited by offenders, incident patterns are modelled Incident patterns are a more abstract representation of specific incident instances and, thus, are general enough to be instantiated to various cyber-physical systems - different than the one in which the incident occurred. They can also avoid disclosing potentially sensitive information about an organization’s assets and resources. In my talk I will also present two automated techniques to support sharing of incident knowledge. The first technique extracts incident patterns from specific incident instances. While the second one instantiates incident patterns to specific cyber-physical systems in order to assess whether and how incident patterns can manifest again in other cyber-physical systems. I will showcase the approach in the application domain of smart buildings and I will evaluate correctness, scalability, and performance using a more compelling example inspired by real-world systems and incidents. Finally I will have a lookahead towards future applications of the approach in security, digital forensics and incidents reporting.
Keynote by Krzysztof Czarnecki
Scenario-Based Specification, Testing and Training of Automated Driving Systems
- Sanaa Alwidian, Daniel Amyot: On the Characterization of Model Families and Union Models
- Arthur Strasser, Christoph Knieke, Andreas Rausch: Model Driven Generation of an Overall Scheduling in Cooperative Component Based Development
Posters are accompanied by an abstract, see here
Call for Short Talks
We are proud to announce that MiSE 2019 is expected to be the only 2-day workshop at ICSE 2019 (see accepted papers and posters below).
In order to make the workshop even more lively and interactive, we would like to announce a call for short talk proposals to share your experience or latest development on (1) tool demonstrations, (2) industrial challenges and (3) teaching best practices.
You can submit a 1-2 page short paper by March 22nd, Friday (submission instructions below) explaining why your proposed topic is important for MiSE (“relevance”) and how it is expected to generate interesting discussions (“thrilling / cool”). While these papers will not be published in the proceedings, we plan to dedicate at least one session for such talks during the workshop. You will be notified by March 28th if your talk proposal can be included in the workshop program.
We hope that these short talks will provide you a great opportunity to get more involved if you are planning to attend MiSE.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission due: February 6, 2019 (updated)
- Paper submissions due:
February 1, 2019February 8, 2019 (updated) - Notification to authors (papers): March 1, 2019
- Camera-ready copies due: March 15, 2019
- Talk proposal submission due: March 22, 2019
- Notification to authors (talk proposals): March 28, 2019
- Workshop date: May 26-27, 2019
- Workshop dinner: May 26
Workshop dinner
The dinner MiSE dinner will start Sunday 18:00 at Brasserie 701 located at 701, Côte de la Place d’Armes, Montreal, QC H2Y 2X6. We would like to draw attention to the rather early start time, which was a compromise so that we can accommodate the surprisingly high number of (around 50) participants.
Organizing Committee (for 2019)
- Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto (Canada) Web
- Daniel Strüber, Chalmers University | University of Gothenburg (Sweden) Web
- Dániel Várro, McGill University (Canada) / MTA-BME Lendület Cyber-Physical Systems Research Group (Hungary) / Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) Web
Program Committee
- Daniel Amyot, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Anthony Anjorin, University of Paderborn (Germany)
- Joanne M. Atlee, University of Waterloo (Canada)
- Alessandra Bagnato, Softeam (France)
- Thorsten Berger, Chalmers University | University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
- Robert Baillargeon, Sodius (USA)
- Francis Bordeleau, CMind Inc. (Canada)
- Davide Di Ruscio, University of L’Aquila (Italy)
- Juergen Dingel, Queen's University (Canada)
- Jeff Gray, University of Alabama (USA)
- Sebastian Herzig, NASA JPL (USA)
- Ákos Horváth, IncQuery Labs (Hungary)
- Dimitris Kolovos, University of York (UK)
- Sahar Kokaly, McMaster University (Canada)
- Richard Paige, University of York (UK) / McMaster University (Canada)
- Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
- Rick Salay, University of Toronto (Canada)
- Manuel Wimmer, TU Vienna (Austria)
- Andreas Wortmann, RWTH Aachen (Germany)
- Tian Zhang, Nanjing University (China)
- Steffen Zschaler, King’s College London (UK)
Further MiSE Information
- This page was last modified on 2 September 2019, at 08:47.
- This page has been accessed 298,369 times.