Java Project

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Agile software development needs ever running integrated software. Tool support is essential. We provide the following services and are working on further ones, such as nightly build and automatic deployment of web systems that are developed. Coming soon.


Services involved

A number of additional services are available. Check out what you want to use, e.g. to generate code or tests.

Initial setup

  • Use the trac to plan your software project
    • Break your problem into several subproblems and create a ticket for each one of it
    • Create milestones for implementation of new features and releases of your software
  • Calculate various statistics of your implementation and publish it in the internal wiki for your project manager with the wikibot (advanced)

Advanced setup

Send feedback to extend this scenario

Please contact us if you have question concerning the usage of the services. We are also curious about new ideas for additional services and new usage scenarios. Send us a message over the contact form or write us an email

  • This page was last modified on 15 March 2012, at 13:14.
  • This page has been accessed 49,661 times.