Student Thesis

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You want to begin a several month lasting project? Actually these guidelines fit well the SE bachelor/master theses, but can be used for other things too.

Services involved

  1. Start an appropriate project.
    • It depends on you whether you invite your advisor. It eases communication, but you become less independent.
  2. We suggest you use:
    • Subversion -- essential to prevent data loss, my be working with others
    • Trac -- in case you want to structure your workload (but organization on paper typically is also efficient, as you are alone)
    • MediaWiki (internal) -- for collecting knowledge of any kind
    • ppt2eps -- helps mapping powerpoint figures to documentation (this is better than mapping any other format to Powerpoint, which is then not editible.)

Initial setup

  1. Download the X template and commit it into your subversion repository
  2. Use the trac (or paper) to plan your thesis
    • Break your problem into several subproblems and create a ticket for each one of it
    • Create milestones for implementation, related work, writing time, etc.
    • Discuss the work breakdown structure and milestones with your advisor.
  3. Extend the make file in order to generate eps/pdf files from your ppt slides with the ppt2eps OSTP service
  4. For tracking your performance you can let calculate some statistics of your implementation and/or latex project and publish it in the internal wiki for your supervisor with the wikibot (advanced)
    • This helps keeping you focused, because even a long lasting project needs you to stay tuned.

Send us feedback to improve/extend this scenario

Please contact us if you have question concerning the usage of the services. We are also curious about new ideas for additional services and new usage scenarios. Send us a message over the contact form or write us an email

  • This page was last modified on 12 March 2012, at 12:46.
  • This page has been accessed 22,887 times.